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loaded tourer
  • nice weather for slugs
    • 30/06/2017
Got rid of the smell of fish as now stink of woodsmoke from campfire!
A couple of showery, humid days saw me dodging slugs rather than caterpillars. I know you gardeners will be shouting "why not run them over!" But I can't bear the thought of them squishing into the tyre tread.
Turning south close to and thereby through Aalborg, where there are a load of English themed pubs and what turns out to be graduating students wearing what look like sailors hats.
Every village I pass through is preparing a bonfire and BBQ for midsummer / saint Johns eve. As i near my target end of day campsite at a rather late 9pm, I gatecrash one and am rewarded with beer, sausages, cake, and a garden to sleep in thanks to very generous villagers. Unfortunately the rain meant the bonfire never really got going and I ended up chatting with some Polish tradesmen who had caught a large fish.

Some Denmark observations.
I like how every house has the names of all the household on the mailbox
I like how houses with a new baby have a wooden stork stuck up outside
I like how the drain covers have the towns coat of arms on them
I mentioned lawnmowing was a national pastime before, but I'm now seeing more and more robot mowers, similar to the hoovers, whole swarms going around public parks.
Parks here are great.
Supermarkets here have a loneliness phobia and tend to be found two or three next door to each other.

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